December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas and all things festive

christmas is just like an ordinary day for me because i'm feeling all emo lately. not sure if it's the pms thing but it's not good. can't put a finger as to why i'm more emo than usual... :(

but. i just got back from the usual get-together at SK palace and i feel relatively better.

maybe it's social deprivation. lol.

now that i'm home, i'm staring at my presents and not feeling the least bit excited about opening them. something's definitely off about me, because christmas is supposed to be my favorite time of the year.

even christmas shopping was kind of half-fucked on my part. i feel so guilty because i think my friends made more effort than me. gosh. really grateful to my girlfriends. :')

so anyway. since my presents are still wrapped nicely, imma show you my 3 only festive photos i took with my phone all night. okay 4, if you wanna include a lousy photo of the logcake my brother bought.

logcake from baker's-something near serangoon, jalan riang. according to my brother it's good and popular and needs to be preordered. imo it's really rich so a super thin slice would suffice. it's not bad if you're the ultimate chocolate lover. i was stuffed from dinner so maybe i'm all like so-so only.

the only festive thing i did and am proud of. lol. last year i had pure snowflakes and this year's one notch up. yay to water decals! i got mine from Mei Mei's Signatures. Meimei's really efficient and i've been buying stuff from her for like a few years now. so go check out her website okay? these water decals are like $3.50 a pack, and there are 2 sets of those pictures. awesome or what. :D

red velvet cupcake from Baked by Lace, awesome stuff! Lace's cupcakes are at $3/cupcake and i'm really addicted to the red velvet. lol. i'm not a cream person but these make me forget i'm fat for a while. motto: eat first, regret later. LOL. that motto is just gonna last till 31 dec 2011 i swear.

i like this chocolate peppermint! fattening but so the fuck what. :D

merry christmas everyone, and may you be surrounded by people you love! xx

November 17, 2011

all that happened in October

and yes, finally, a post. lol. sorry i've been on a hiatus; it's been one hell of a month. and i really cannot remember the last time i had the time (and patience) to sit in front of my (dying) laptop. in between work, reading and tv shows (lol yes) i put my laptop on neglect.

so anyway. here's what you missed in october. which isn't much. i've got some really nice photos to update. here's one of the twin towers in KL, taken with my humble layman camera that i'm very proud of. lol. it takes amazing night shots!

oh and previously at ECP i had some nice shots too.

glorious skies! mega love~ ♥

and then finally on halloween weekend i attended my company's D&D held at Soul, a local club which used to be Supper Club i think.

yup, theme was Rock & Royale but i can tell you that a lot of them guys wore normal stuff. i mean, how hard is it to find something black to wear? this would be us. :)

but then can you blame them? even the MD wasn't dressed according to the theme! tsk. (but he smells damn good's okay. lol!)

lab girls, please. ♥

did NOT win anything. boo. so much for "newcomer luck". ugh. so i bounced over to wala wala for actual rock! \m/ and took a photo with a black ghost. LOL. (i'm looking at the photo again and he really does look creepy, even with the smile. or maybe that's the point.)

amidst all the fun and great company, there was death. i mean, there is death every other second, but we don't really think about it unless it happened to someone close or someone you know. Wiyah had to cut short her vacation in singapore because her husband died and was only found 30 hours later; the door to the apartment had to be knocked down.

it got me thinking for a bit. i wanted to blog about how short life is, but it's gonna turn out hypocritical because the only time anyone talks about life being short is when they experience a death close to their hearts.

to be honest, i don't know what i learnt from this, except that man i'm a lousy comfort. i guess. i have NO idea how to put comfort into words, and all i did was be there for her. she tells me she appreciates my presence, but until today, i don't think i've done anything for her. words are so empty when she's like halfway across the globe and i cannot drop my commitments to spare her the comfort she needs.

i found this photo from 2005? when i first met her husband. i've only seen him twice, but my heart went out to her when i saw her break down.

everything happens for a reason. for a better reason. she's one of the strongest woman i know, but even the strongest have weak moments.

i won't go on and on to say how not to take people for granted. we all know that, in theory. now the challenge is to put them into action.

RIP Safwan.

October 9, 2011

Bootie Shopping

Wiyah and i passed by this new shop Payless at Suntec City and she said it's the same store in Canada where she got her shoe/sandal from. so i demanded we go in to take a look after our coffee, but we conveniently forgot about it. lol. that was 2 weeks ago.

yesterday after cycling at ECP, i suggested to go to Suntec again since there was a direct bus.

i didn't expect to buy anything from the shop, but i did. this pair of booties displayed right in front of the main entrance - it was the last piece in my size. i took it as a sign. :D

oh btw, the shoes are arranged according to sizes, so you just head straight to the aisle where it carries ALL the shoes available in your size. cool or what!

this is my current pair which are damn worn out already, and i've been searching for a new pair to replace but because this was the "fashion" 2 years ago, it's very difficult to find anything similar.

so you can imagine i was really excited, and guess what, this only cost me $49.90!

they were also having a promotion, if you buy any pair of shoes, you can buy selected accessories/bags/socks for 50% off! so even though i just bought like 12 pairs of new socks, i bought another 6 pairs. *hangs head in shame* these came in a set of 6 what. xD

and retailed at $13.90! so at 50% is less than $2 a pair please. happy like bird!

i know Suntec has been a ghost town in like forever, but yesterday it was crowded. i was kind of surprised because Suntec is a place i would escape to so i can avoid the crowd. lol. go check out Payless if you happen to drop by the mall! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

October 3, 2011

going home first class

it's 7:10pm and i'm on my back to sg. i have no idea where i am, except i'm oh, halfway home. :))

great short trip, and you know they all say good things must come to an end. i had an unexpectedly pleasant time with Wiyah and Taufik, considering this is the first time i'm travelling with either of them.

so now i had to urge to type because i'm all hyped up by my second cup of coffee. lol. transtar serves reasonably good coffee by the way. i'm a picky coffee-drinker.

it's getting dark and i'm watching Sky High. again. i chose a Natalie Portman show earlier but i got bored by the old english accent. figures.

i almost missed my bus. taught me a lesson to never assume. i'm travelling on the bus on my own so i don't know why i took the departure time for granted geez. never. again.

it rained again while i was going to the bus office. why? it rained when i was gonna leave for KL. what is this, sky crying for me? gawd. i bought an umbrella from Sasa KL, go figure. cost me RM20 and now i'm left with RM10. lol. naise.

oh look at my dinner. nothing fantastic and to be honest, i miss my mom's cooking.

Wiyah and Taufik missed their 4:30pm flight so they booked another one at 7:30pm. everything went just about wrong as we're going home i don't know why. Wiyah says everything happens for a reason and i believe it too but she needs to psyche herself. lol. i do hope they're on the plane now and getting ready for a safe flight. :)

oh yes i took a vid while i was walking to the bus office. i'm gonna upload it here and see if it's viewable. hehe. i just had to video him because there were SO many of them and i thought oh well, let's record one for keepsakes. LOL right.

(edit: well sorry, apparently i have to set up my youtube account to have a vid posted. i have an account but it would be a crime to post the vid because it'd be discrimination. pfft. sorry guys. i'm gonna try to post it to twitvid and try again in the next post.)

alright i'm getting back to my coffee and Sky High. later!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

October 1, 2011

the first class journey

first thing i did the moment i was done with clearance was to try out the socket. lol. it works. awesome or what? :P

it's ~10:45am and the stewardess brought us food! just as i thought i was gonna get motion sickness from my empty stomach. lol.

smells better than it looks. really. xD

some upclose photos. forgive the blurred shots as the bus was a lil bumpy and i'm using the iphone to snap.

this was sausages. haha! tastes better than it looks!

egg. it was pretty good and heng it wasn't runny. i don't like runny eggs. :P

i asked for coffee and my seat had a cup holder! and i never knew how to drink from these things because i have this fear of burning my tongue. xD

there was a wide selection of movies albeit a few years old but there were still some i haven't watched. i picked Death Note because i watched the second one but not the first. xD not the best show to watch while eating, i tell you. the dying ppl were foaming around the mouth. :/

i -finally- sipped my coffee at about 12pm (when it's not hot anymore lol) and..i was pleasantly surprised. it's pretty good coffee. i'm a very picky coffee-drinker and i hardly order coffee outside unless it's some branded coffee.

also, i don't drink much coffee anymore because i can't take too much caffeine. gastric woes and..i get the runs sometimes. :S

it's 12:50pm and there's a 10-min toilet break. i'm sitting the bus with about 25 more minutes of Death Note because i really have an atas butt and refuse to use the public toilet. lol. i'm such a pig right. now i can feel the tummy churning already, no thanks to the coffee. but i'm still enjoying the ride! :D i think i should reach in an hour? let's hope.

haha it's 1:10pm and we were given biscuits! no worries getting hungry. imma gonna pig out. (next week must exercise 3 days otherwise i will look like a pig attending my friends' weddings arghhh.)

checking back at 2pm. fyi i'm texting as i feel like it but saving this as draft so it's kinda like blogging on-the-go except you'd be reading it like a diary. :D i have no idea where i am at the moment, because i thought i wanted seclusion and picked the corner seat on the right side. normally i prefer to sit on the left side so i get to read the signboards and gauge how long more to go. then i saw the university grounds or something, and i think i have another 30 minutes to go. it's a good thing me to be writing like this with the time too, so i can verify if i'm right. next time (if i'm taking the bus again) i will know better. :))

ha so it does take 30 minutes from that university grounds that i recognize. at least i think it's a university. now i'm just waiting to meet up with the rest.

i reached safely! update soon. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


if you're following me on twitter you'll know i'm en route to *somewhere*. but now it's on the title so you know now it's to KL!

i'm so so so so stoked!! trying to type as fast as i can so i can post this while i'm still on the sg network. lol.

the reason why i'm so damn excited because i'm on this first class bus and it's so fricking HUGE. lol. sorry la, mountain tortoise can.

this is the seat! omggg.

and the leg space. check out all that roooooooom. i can cross my legs or do the rumba yo. LOL.

water and blankie provided.

of cos entertainment! here's me with wet hair because it started raining heavily before i could make my way to the bus. :(

the controls. so excited! hope got super mario or something. hahahaha.

OH OH OH LOOK. i thought i was gonna have to write on my cloth bag with fugly handwriting. A TABLE. :O

what got me REALLY excited was....this. A SOCKET OMG. I CAN CHARGE MY PHONE LEH!!

there is a suspicious article beside me. should i report it? xD

this bus comes on-board stewardess can!! wahhhh. later i'll be having a meal on the bus too! by then i can't post it on-the-go but i'm definitely documenting it.

alright toodles for now. later! :D

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:en route KL

September 9, 2011

EWF + Wala!

this post is 1 week overdue, and yes i'm addressing my #1 fan who tweeted i didn't update my blog. lol. HERE IT IS WOMAN. (i think she's damn free at work that's why. :p)

so last thursday i met Kexin and we headed to holland village instead of going for our usual kickboxing class. her sis told her about Everything With Fries and coincidentally i suggested we have that for dinner. :))

verdict: it was ok lor. ok, in all fairness, the fries were reallyyy awesome and i think they come in like 5 flavors. the portion is a lot too, think 2 *normal* girls can share 1 portion. but even i couldn't finish food. *hangs head in shame*

i had tandoori chicken sandwich and it was better than the average sandwich. price is like $11.90 i think. and it comes with fries and salad. a LOT of fries. i had curry fries and it was spicyyy.

Kexin ordered the hamburger i think. not a fan of hamburgers but the beef was pretty good. she had a nutella tart too but i was too lazy to take a photo of it. she said it was "ok only but maybe because i'm too full now".

oh yaaa when we reached the place we were given a really tiny space of a 2-seater. i had a paper bag with me and didn't want to put it on the floor, so i said, "i really should get one of those bag hooks thingy." to which Kexin replied, "i have leh, you want anot?" of course i said yes, "ya, can lend me?" she gave me a blank look and said...

"OH! i mean i have it at home, you want i will give it to you next time. :D"


after we had dinner we headed to wala wala! did not take photos because i forgot my camera and my phone takes lousy photos in the dark. it was Leila's birthday and she was quite high already, by the time i went up to talk to her.

i haven't had such fun on a weekday in a while, and i didn't have enough so i asked Peiyi to go again on saturday! :D

this is Leila - but this was taken on saturday instead. (yes, she was there again too!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY bbg and all the best in everything. i know she's taken a huge step towards finding herself again, and i really do hope everything will fall in place for her. :))


NB: i will edit this post again with photos via a computer because i'm trying out the blogger app for iOS! convenient much, except i cannot manipulate font size etc. but i can blog on-the-go! (Y)

Edit: personally i'd say that the official blogger app is only good for word-only blog post. if i have a lot of photos to post from the iphone i'd still use the blogpress app. and i'm not gonna "watermark" the photos from the phone because the quality sucks (as seen in the jelly post. /sadfase.)

August 31, 2011

Relationship & ties/lies

i don't know what's up with the title and maybe there's a link. maybe not.

up until now at this point in my life, there's nothing i want more than to clean up all the mess and loose ends (sounds like murder) and start from a clean slate. (now that seriously sounds like murder.)

i did not kill anyone la.

guess i just need to rant. i pulled myself out of a 2-year relationship. it was a struggle for me to make a decision but i had to put my foot down and told myself it would do us both good. he said he would wait for me until i'm ready to start afresh. i didn't have the heart to say i won't turn back, after i heartlessly said i wanted out of the relationship.

i read a post on facebook yesterday, something about finding a man who would tell you you're 'beautiful' instead of 'hot', one who would watch you sleep etc etc, the mushy works. and she had like, i think 6 'likes' for that post. i couldn't resist - i commented "untrue. because if you don't the guy, everything else doesn't matter."

i know how cynical i must have sounded to a lot of people. some might say it's because i'm going through a break up. i won't say i don't feel anything about this break up, but i'm not depressed or suicidal or anything like that. in fact, i would support what i commented above because that's exactly how i feel at the moment.

yes, i want a guy who tells me i am beautiful and who would watch me sleep. but that is IF that guy is someone i like, or have feelings for. i found the guy who is almost the guy every girl wants, but unfortunately we've lost the spark. and as i'm typing this out, i'm feeling the loss but i don't regret. because i've experienced it, and now i know for sure what i want. it's just not written in the fates for us.

having said that, he's trying to act like we can still be friends and hang out. personally i think we need a window period. if you keep asking me out every weekend, then what difference does it make whether we're together or not? i need the space to find myself again. to connect with my other friends. to search for what is it i should be doing with my life. a relationship is not something i should have right now when i cannot even find a purpose in my life.

so i'm gonna remove the status thing on facebook. i know, it might be something stupid but it feels like a symbol of sorts. i was gonna remove the 'in a relationship' status a few days ago, and facebook gave me a 'Your relationship with xxx will be canceled upon saving.' my heart suffered a slight tug, and i cancelled the action. such a coward, i know.

and i just did it, 2 seconds ago before i typed this. my relationship is officially 'cancelled'. no, i don't feel liberated. on the contrary i don't know if i'm doing the right thing by ending what seemed to be an okay relationship.

i can only hope i did, and that what will be, will be.

right now, i just need to focus on my life.

August 29, 2011

Jelly mania on blogpress!

i've been wanting to make some konnyaku jelly and even bought the ingredients but i always managed to procrastinate. until now! (actually, no date on sunday and i was bored. lol.)

so i thought of doing a fancy post on how to make said jelly, since i've never done a recipe post ever. it was kinda funny because all i used was my iphone and i figured, might as well try this blogpress iphone app and see how convenient it is to post to blogger via mobile. if it works awesomely satisfactory i might post more often, and with photos from the iphone too! ;D of course i hope it's temporary till i get a proper laptop.........

anyway, i digress. so please bear with my photos because they're taken with my iphone 3GS (so no HD) and i used some photo apps to watermark and put them together.

things you need:
1) konnyaku jelly powder - i'm using the Red Man brand, it's a premix and so far can only be bought from Phoon Huat. it's like about $2.10 a box and can make about 12 pieces of jelly.
2) nata de coco - i got this from cold storage and sorry i forgot how much this is, but it shouldn't be too expensive. like maybe $2?
3) measuring cup to measure 500mL of water
4) small pot (those used to cook maggie mee size is good enough)
5) a plastic ladle for stirring (plastic so it's easier to wash)
6) plastic jelly molds - can get these from phoon huat too!

okie so this is how the jelly powder packaging looks like. this is lychee flavored btw. no need additional coloring or flavoring - just add water!

first, measure 500mL of water. i didn't use a measuring cup for this but a not-so-accurate cup. lol. then i realized there's a marking on the inside of the pot too so it's pretty accurate. ^^

put the water to boil and lower the fire once you see tiny bubbles.

while waiting for the water to boil, cut open the packet of nata de coco and put 3-4 pieces into each mold (depending on the mold size). this is the Jubes brand i got from cold storage; there are different flavors too but i prefer the generic lychee one. :)

so once the water is boiled and fire lowered, pour the powder slowly into the water, stirring with the plastic ladle at the same time. this is to prevent bubbling besides dissolving the powder thoroughly. (because i have to take photo, i couldn't demonstrate "pour & stir at the same time". hehe paiseh paiseh.)

when you're done pouring everything the mixture should be a thick liquid. keep stirring until once you see bubbles, then turn off the flame to let the bubbles dissipate, but keep stirring.

slowly pour into the mold (i used the ladle); do not "dump" because it will cause air bubbles. there's nothing to having bubbles, just that it looks ugly. lol. mine has a lot of bubbles because i was hungry so i did it in a half-rush. =/

fill the mold until it's slightly convex but not overflowing. this will aid in removing the jelly from the mold later on.

if you read the instructions on the box, they tell you to chill after filling the molds. but personally i will let the jelly cool down for a while (like 30 mins) before putting them in the refrigerator because it will spoil the fridge if you put the mold in while it's hot. (i read it somewhere. lol dunno if it's true but better to be safe than sorry.)

i took about 30 mins for each packet of jelly so by the time i was done with the second packet, i dumped the first lot into the fridge. :D these are the strawberry-flavored and apple-flavored ones.

i like to match the colors according to each mold so like i have green and red apples or white grapes. hehehe.

so it has to be chilled for 3 hours. to remove each jelly, i squeezed the mold slightly and sort of plucked the jelly out. lol.

kinda hard to explain, this is where the convex part will come in handy!

serve chilled! ^^

do let me know if the instructions are easy to follow. my friend said she's gonna pester me if she can't understand. so please justify for me in case i get haunted. lol!

btw if you're interested to know about this blogpress app, i tried to type and add photo at the same time but somehow i couldn't get it right. what i did eventually was to type everything out before including the photos in between paragraphs. hmm seems better this way! *cross fingers*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

edit: blogpress apparently doesn't have the option to tag your posts with labels so that's a minus point. but all in all it's a pretty convenient app to blog on-the-go! (Y)