October 1, 2011

the first class journey

first thing i did the moment i was done with clearance was to try out the socket. lol. it works. awesome or what? :P

it's ~10:45am and the stewardess brought us food! just as i thought i was gonna get motion sickness from my empty stomach. lol.

smells better than it looks. really. xD

some upclose photos. forgive the blurred shots as the bus was a lil bumpy and i'm using the iphone to snap.

this was sausages. haha! tastes better than it looks!

egg. it was pretty good and heng it wasn't runny. i don't like runny eggs. :P

i asked for coffee and my seat had a cup holder! and i never knew how to drink from these things because i have this fear of burning my tongue. xD

there was a wide selection of movies albeit a few years old but there were still some i haven't watched. i picked Death Note because i watched the second one but not the first. xD not the best show to watch while eating, i tell you. the dying ppl were foaming around the mouth. :/

i -finally- sipped my coffee at about 12pm (when it's not hot anymore lol) and..i was pleasantly surprised. it's pretty good coffee. i'm a very picky coffee-drinker and i hardly order coffee outside unless it's some branded coffee.

also, i don't drink much coffee anymore because i can't take too much caffeine. gastric woes and..i get the runs sometimes. :S

it's 12:50pm and there's a 10-min toilet break. i'm sitting the bus with about 25 more minutes of Death Note because i really have an atas butt and refuse to use the public toilet. lol. i'm such a pig right. now i can feel the tummy churning already, no thanks to the coffee. but i'm still enjoying the ride! :D i think i should reach in an hour? let's hope.

haha it's 1:10pm and we were given biscuits! no worries getting hungry. imma gonna pig out. (next week must exercise 3 days otherwise i will look like a pig attending my friends' weddings arghhh.)

checking back at 2pm. fyi i'm texting as i feel like it but saving this as draft so it's kinda like blogging on-the-go except you'd be reading it like a diary. :D i have no idea where i am at the moment, because i thought i wanted seclusion and picked the corner seat on the right side. normally i prefer to sit on the left side so i get to read the signboards and gauge how long more to go. then i saw the university grounds or something, and i think i have another 30 minutes to go. it's a good thing me to be writing like this with the time too, so i can verify if i'm right. next time (if i'm taking the bus again) i will know better. :))

ha so it does take 30 minutes from that university grounds that i recognize. at least i think it's a university. now i'm just waiting to meet up with the rest.

i reached safely! update soon. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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