September 9, 2011

EWF + Wala!

this post is 1 week overdue, and yes i'm addressing my #1 fan who tweeted i didn't update my blog. lol. HERE IT IS WOMAN. (i think she's damn free at work that's why. :p)

so last thursday i met Kexin and we headed to holland village instead of going for our usual kickboxing class. her sis told her about Everything With Fries and coincidentally i suggested we have that for dinner. :))

verdict: it was ok lor. ok, in all fairness, the fries were reallyyy awesome and i think they come in like 5 flavors. the portion is a lot too, think 2 *normal* girls can share 1 portion. but even i couldn't finish food. *hangs head in shame*

i had tandoori chicken sandwich and it was better than the average sandwich. price is like $11.90 i think. and it comes with fries and salad. a LOT of fries. i had curry fries and it was spicyyy.

Kexin ordered the hamburger i think. not a fan of hamburgers but the beef was pretty good. she had a nutella tart too but i was too lazy to take a photo of it. she said it was "ok only but maybe because i'm too full now".

oh yaaa when we reached the place we were given a really tiny space of a 2-seater. i had a paper bag with me and didn't want to put it on the floor, so i said, "i really should get one of those bag hooks thingy." to which Kexin replied, "i have leh, you want anot?" of course i said yes, "ya, can lend me?" she gave me a blank look and said...

"OH! i mean i have it at home, you want i will give it to you next time. :D"


after we had dinner we headed to wala wala! did not take photos because i forgot my camera and my phone takes lousy photos in the dark. it was Leila's birthday and she was quite high already, by the time i went up to talk to her.

i haven't had such fun on a weekday in a while, and i didn't have enough so i asked Peiyi to go again on saturday! :D

this is Leila - but this was taken on saturday instead. (yes, she was there again too!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY bbg and all the best in everything. i know she's taken a huge step towards finding herself again, and i really do hope everything will fall in place for her. :))


NB: i will edit this post again with photos via a computer because i'm trying out the blogger app for iOS! convenient much, except i cannot manipulate font size etc. but i can blog on-the-go! (Y)

Edit: personally i'd say that the official blogger app is only good for word-only blog post. if i have a lot of photos to post from the iphone i'd still use the blogpress app. and i'm not gonna "watermark" the photos from the phone because the quality sucks (as seen in the jelly post. /sadfase.)

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