October 1, 2011


if you're following me on twitter you'll know i'm en route to *somewhere*. but now it's on the title so you know now it's to KL!

i'm so so so so stoked!! trying to type as fast as i can so i can post this while i'm still on the sg network. lol.

the reason why i'm so damn excited because i'm on this first class bus and it's so fricking HUGE. lol. sorry la, mountain tortoise can.

this is the seat! omggg.

and the leg space. check out all that roooooooom. i can cross my legs or do the rumba yo. LOL.

water and blankie provided.

of cos entertainment! here's me with wet hair because it started raining heavily before i could make my way to the bus. :(

the controls. so excited! hope got super mario or something. hahahaha.

OH OH OH LOOK. i thought i was gonna have to write on my cloth bag with fugly handwriting. A TABLE. :O

what got me REALLY excited was....this. A SOCKET OMG. I CAN CHARGE MY PHONE LEH!!

there is a suspicious article beside me. should i report it? xD

this bus comes with.....an on-board stewardess can!! wahhhh. later i'll be having a meal on the bus too! by then i can't post it on-the-go but i'm definitely documenting it.

alright toodles for now. later! :D

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:en route KL

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