August 29, 2011

Jelly mania on blogpress!

i've been wanting to make some konnyaku jelly and even bought the ingredients but i always managed to procrastinate. until now! (actually, no date on sunday and i was bored. lol.)

so i thought of doing a fancy post on how to make said jelly, since i've never done a recipe post ever. it was kinda funny because all i used was my iphone and i figured, might as well try this blogpress iphone app and see how convenient it is to post to blogger via mobile. if it works awesomely satisfactory i might post more often, and with photos from the iphone too! ;D of course i hope it's temporary till i get a proper laptop.........

anyway, i digress. so please bear with my photos because they're taken with my iphone 3GS (so no HD) and i used some photo apps to watermark and put them together.

things you need:
1) konnyaku jelly powder - i'm using the Red Man brand, it's a premix and so far can only be bought from Phoon Huat. it's like about $2.10 a box and can make about 12 pieces of jelly.
2) nata de coco - i got this from cold storage and sorry i forgot how much this is, but it shouldn't be too expensive. like maybe $2?
3) measuring cup to measure 500mL of water
4) small pot (those used to cook maggie mee size is good enough)
5) a plastic ladle for stirring (plastic so it's easier to wash)
6) plastic jelly molds - can get these from phoon huat too!

okie so this is how the jelly powder packaging looks like. this is lychee flavored btw. no need additional coloring or flavoring - just add water!

first, measure 500mL of water. i didn't use a measuring cup for this but a not-so-accurate cup. lol. then i realized there's a marking on the inside of the pot too so it's pretty accurate. ^^

put the water to boil and lower the fire once you see tiny bubbles.

while waiting for the water to boil, cut open the packet of nata de coco and put 3-4 pieces into each mold (depending on the mold size). this is the Jubes brand i got from cold storage; there are different flavors too but i prefer the generic lychee one. :)

so once the water is boiled and fire lowered, pour the powder slowly into the water, stirring with the plastic ladle at the same time. this is to prevent bubbling besides dissolving the powder thoroughly. (because i have to take photo, i couldn't demonstrate "pour & stir at the same time". hehe paiseh paiseh.)

when you're done pouring everything the mixture should be a thick liquid. keep stirring until once you see bubbles, then turn off the flame to let the bubbles dissipate, but keep stirring.

slowly pour into the mold (i used the ladle); do not "dump" because it will cause air bubbles. there's nothing to having bubbles, just that it looks ugly. lol. mine has a lot of bubbles because i was hungry so i did it in a half-rush. =/

fill the mold until it's slightly convex but not overflowing. this will aid in removing the jelly from the mold later on.

if you read the instructions on the box, they tell you to chill after filling the molds. but personally i will let the jelly cool down for a while (like 30 mins) before putting them in the refrigerator because it will spoil the fridge if you put the mold in while it's hot. (i read it somewhere. lol dunno if it's true but better to be safe than sorry.)

i took about 30 mins for each packet of jelly so by the time i was done with the second packet, i dumped the first lot into the fridge. :D these are the strawberry-flavored and apple-flavored ones.

i like to match the colors according to each mold so like i have green and red apples or white grapes. hehehe.

so it has to be chilled for 3 hours. to remove each jelly, i squeezed the mold slightly and sort of plucked the jelly out. lol.

kinda hard to explain, this is where the convex part will come in handy!

serve chilled! ^^

do let me know if the instructions are easy to follow. my friend said she's gonna pester me if she can't understand. so please justify for me in case i get haunted. lol!

btw if you're interested to know about this blogpress app, i tried to type and add photo at the same time but somehow i couldn't get it right. what i did eventually was to type everything out before including the photos in between paragraphs. hmm seems better this way! *cross fingers*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

edit: blogpress apparently doesn't have the option to tag your posts with labels so that's a minus point. but all in all it's a pretty convenient app to blog on-the-go! (Y)

1 comment:

cookie5cream said...

Where is my jelly????