December 24, 2012

Where did 2012 go?

So it's that time of the year again, where we all make excuses to eat and be merry and pretend fat is the new thin. :D

Xmas tree is made of a cone so it's not 100% cream. Which is not an excuse, really.

I have been..busy, to say the least. My post on Taiwan is not done, if you had noticed. And if you have been waiting, I'm sorry.

2012 has been a weird year for me. New job's taking a toll on me to be honest, and I'm at a point in my life where I'm neither here nor there. It's not good, but it's not bad either. Maybe just too much coming at me at the same time. And although I work better under pressure, I'm not one who takes stress very well. Lol.

So I'm thankful to my girlfriends, for listening to me rant whenever. Which is A LOT, I know. Bet you girls must be wondering why I meet all sorts of weirdos wherever I go. Trust me, I also want to know.

Figured I should do some thankyous. Kind of in the mood. In no particular order okay - I r no bias. Lol.

To Susan - too much to say. Yet nothing to be said. For all the years you've known me, I hope that one day I can be truly happy as you wish me to be. I think my life hasn't been kind in all the time you've known me lol. So thank you, for being there for me, and for introducing me into your life. <3

Damn red. But I like my hair here. Also, the ring in the photo broke already. So many stories in one photo.

To Ms Leow - who technically is just my jiemei in disguise. Both you and Susan combine always slap me back to reality. Lol. Yes, I can take a punch. Just as you can take a chokehold. :P Almost like an older bro I've always wished for, except you're a jiemei yes.

Super unglam, this photo. But this is going into my book of awesomeness. Lololol.

To Kexin - for letting me bounce off you all the time. I know most of the time you don't know know to react to me but it also takes a lot to listen to me curse and swear right in your face even though it's not directed to you. One of the sanest women I know, and a damn firm anchor. That is why I always doubt that you're a Leo hahaha. Regardless, although your sensibilities drive me insane, I'm grateful. <3

Don't know how it happened but I'm grateful for the random Halloween planning in 2010.

To Ms Sim - for driving me crazy sometimes because you gotta admit, talking/texting you can be quite a bang in the wall. Lol. But for all the awesome food you make, I will keep you by my side muahahaha. :D

This was the first time I met Joanne I think. Lol.

I honestly don't remember this photo but this is NICE HOR. So bright! <3

To Liyana - for the silences we have between us because of inevitable work schedules. But I know I can always count on you if I need a listening ear. It's enough reading about your life and seeing how happy you are. Having said that, we really need to catch up proper - after your wedding and honeymoon!

We need to travel again!

To Amanda - craziest woman with endless energy. Thank you for showing me what I lacked when I was your age LOL. Also one of the most straight-forward people I know. Sometimes the simplest answer is all you need.

Epic photo, if you know how we took this.

To Marie - despite the distance, it's never awkward when we meet. Which is rare, admittedly. Once in 10 years is madness. Interesting sisterly bond we have, and I've never taken it for granted. Promise I will make a trip to Melbourne soon.

To Wiyah - furthest from Sg but never far from my heart. I've not been the best support for you even though (or because) so much have happened this year. I pray that life will only be better for you from now on, and one day you'll find what you truly deserve.

To Belle - nice meeting you and it has been crazy so far. Good timing too, when my MSN is back up so we can chat till wee hours. :D

This is our ONLY decent photo together. Simisai.

Lastly, to the person who has the power to drive me insane just by the sound of your name. I've not decided what to do about it. At this point in time, I honestly just wish I don't have to deal with you now. But nevertheless I will mention you because I can't keep you out of my head. Pfft.

Merry Christmas y'all. Have fun and drink responsibly. More love, less hate. <3

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