May 25, 2012


my version of being Calistalised is something like 成仙. LOL.

i guess if you've been following me on twitter, you'd see the drastic change of a dramatic lamenting bitch to that of a still-dramatic but more positive...girl. lol. okay i lol-ed because hey, i don't care what you say i'm still a girl. *cue Britney's ♪i'm not a girl~ not yet a woman~♪* hahaha okay nolink.

i decided to blog about this because i want to share what has been happening in my life and how it may be able to help you, too. if you're a massive fan of our local bloggers like Xiaxue and Qiuqiu, you'd prolly come across them talking about The Secret. well, it's not like a secret code amongst them, for i've heard of it before i followed them on twitter. (which was like, a few months ago nia. lol. *late bloomer*)

okay let's start from the beginning. i got to know of The Secret from Peiyi (thank you), who kind of told me about the book over dinner. i don't remember what our topic was at that time, but she brought it up, and offered to email me the pdf of it. i said sure, and true to her word she emailed me the file. as you all might already know, my lao kok kok laptop could not open the pdf file so i tried to view it on my work computer. little did i know that it contained too many pages for me to finish it within 15 minutes. (i really thought it was just a longer-than-usual article lol) so i forwarded the mail to Susan and asked if she could print it out for me. which she did, and even had it bound into a huge book. lol. for this alone i am grateful.

then now i'm gonna tell you something which will prolly give Susan a seizure. lol. i did NOT read a single page, and i promptly forgotten about it. sorry!! xD

it was not until a few months ago that i started following Qiuqiu on twitter because i was quite fascinated by her positivity, and amongst her tweets The Secret would come up a few times. it occurred to me that i have the book somewhere which i half-stashed into a drawer while spring cleaning for CNY lolwtf.

and then one fine day i walked into Popular Bookstore to look for my J D Robb book but instead, stumbled upon - what else - The Secret. i was drawn to it because, being all superficial, the cover looks really vintage and nice! lol. i examined the cover, the spine, touched the pages, and still, i didn't read a single line. such a stubborn bitch i am lol.

again, it was not until a couple of weeks ago that i decided, that's it, i want that book. for two reasons. one, because the book is gorgeous lol. two, and the more important reason, because i was facing a lot of trials and somehow at the back of my head i must have been holding on to this glimmer of hope. i must have subconsciously registered a few lines from the book to have been so drawn to it. also coupled with a few factors like Qiuqiu and her talking about it.

funny how i made a huge detour before finally getting The Secret.

and to be honest, when i bought it i didn't even read it right away. it took me a few days (and a few more trials) before i turned the first page and marveled at the pages of the book. (okay, i'm quite a sucker when it comes to books.) and read.

so far i've only covered 2 chapters and i'm telling you now, it works. i can't explain to you exactly how or what happened. but The Secret is simple: it talks about how your thoughts are your future and you are in control of your thoughts, therefore your future. in short, whatever you think of, will come true.

now of course there are those fine prints that we humans are so skeptically fond of. it's not like if i keep thinking of money, it's just gonna magically appear. it's about how to change your thoughts to something more positive so that things will work out in a way that you may not expect, but achieve the same end result.

it is about the law of attraction. whatever you think of, you attract. and because it's a neutral law, it doesn't separate positive or negative. for example, if you keep thinking "i don't want to be late", you'll prolly end up being late. because the law of attraction works such that its focus will be on the word "late" and not if you want or don't want to be. so instead you should be thinking "i will be early" or even already envisioned yourself being early.

That, is The Secret. or at least in my own words la. get the book if you want more details okay. =D

so how has it worked for me? it made me more conscious of my thoughts and feelings, therefore more controlled over what i feel and what i want to feel.

the most drastic change that i've experienced would be the happenings at work. i've never been happy at my work place ever since i started shift work because this aunty supervisor kept picking on me. so the last straw was when she managed to find trouble for me all the way to the manager. i was this close to giving up and just quitting the job already.

then somehow i decided to start reading the book, and after the initial disbelief, i told myself there's really no harm in trying. after all, i've always wanted to put a leash on my temper and the more recent increasing negativity. it's taken a toll on me and i really needed a change.

so for the first time in a long while, i took control of what i was feeling and confronted it. i deliberately planted positive thoughts by almost chanting to myself. if i want change, i must change.

i took a different approach at work. i started talking to my other colleagues, even though i still think of them as stuck-up actors. but of course i made an effort to keep those negative thoughts away so it was actually not a torture talking to them. ultimately i have one goal, and that is to put an end to my misery at work. i need to be happy and not allow people to trample over me.

the end results? well, first i can tell you that the bitchy supervisor is NOT happy that i'm actually fully capable of communicating with the rest of my colleagues. guess i ruined her plans there. i am happy and am nearly contented with my team mates where work is concerned. my direct supervisor is still an idiot, but he treats me with a little bit more respect, finally ditching the attitude.

it may seem nothing to you, but i can feel it happening because i changed the way i think and see things. i feel grateful to the little things that happen in my life everyday. they say that once you learn to be grateful, you learn to appreciate.

i'm learning so many things everyday, and i'm only at the second chapter. there is only one thing i want right now, and that is to be a better person so that everything else will fall in place. i can do it, because i'm surrounded by my family, friends and good people. :)

special thanks to Susan for helping me print the book (lol sorry, please don't kill me for not reading the initial "book").

also to Ah Chan, who is currently reading The Power. together we can be very positive!! :D must make that Bali trip come true okay. ahem ahem.

oh and and and. i guess because i want to be better and so i did, and in the process became happier. and because i'm happier i tell myself 我是美的! lololol. so i suppose things sort of fell into place in its own way - i made the decision to straighten my hair so it's easier to maintain and therefore i feel less irritated; i made the appointment with the dentist which i was supposed to make years ago; don't know where i found the courage to have my braces done (again) but all these things, i did because i want to look better and feel healthier. all these years i've been saying but did nothing. suddenly it's like i WANT to do it. i have to. and because my teeth have shifted too much over the last 4 years, this time my having braces on is actually more tedious than the first. but on the other hand, i lost the weight i've been trying to lose despite my healthy dieting and almost-exercise. lol.

SEE, 美美 lor! because i say so. lolol. =D

did i mention that i've been encountering Eye Candy more than usual even though by right we are totally 不相干的 department/shift? heh. because i say so la! hahahaha.

(insert weird photo of me but i still am not used to the braces again so i won't show you. lol.)

so again, the book is called The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. the film version is at she has 2 others, The Power and The Magic.

i'm working my way to being Calistalised. ;)

1 comment:

Peiyi said...

Calista! I am glad you read it! Whichever copy you read (my pdf or your book), I am glad you made it.