September 15, 2012

Time is a great teacher.

a lot of things were going on in my head yesterday despite my sneezing frenzy (average 6 sneezes per minute, for the ENTIRE day). i've learnt that, 1) sneezing is VERY tiring, and 2) i need to (somehow) compartmentalize my brain. even if i came up with the invention it'd probably be chucked as a chindogu.

my hands were shaking while drawing this, and i sneezed about 382 times.

anyway. today i want to rant about Being On Time. (was gonna term it as Being Late but i have to start thinking Positive so.)

personally, i don't think anyone can actually be on time. you will either be too early, or slightly later. or even if you managed to reach on the dot, that would be "on the dot" by your own clock. my watch could be 5 minutes earlier for all you know. (which, by the way, it is.)

at the risk of being really bitchy, i've just about had enough of latecomers. having said (typed) that though, i think i have the patience more than Job (the bible dude, not the apple dude). my record is waiting for someone for 4 hours.

this is the amount of patience i have vs latecomers.

don't get me wrong, i am perpetually late myself. but i make sure i let the other party know so they can go shopping or pee or get something to eat instead of waiting for me like a bloody fool at the mrt station for example. and i won't make them wait for hours for crying out loud. so, what the hell did i do to deserve waiting for 4 hours? (warning: grandmother story enfolding.)

T lives in serangoon and we decided to meet. he said, let's meet somewhere in between. so we made plans to meet at bishan (how is that in between, i also don't know) at 2pm. i was actually late - it takes me about 30 minutes to travel to bishan and i left my house at about 1:45pm. dude texted me at 2pm to say he'll reach at 2:30pm. fine by me, i knew he was gonna be late anyway.

time check, 4pm. no texts, no calls. and i was done shopping at the mall. so i called him and guess what, he said he was at BEDOK. told me he was on the way, only 10 minutes more. how is bedok 10 minutes away from bishan, i also don't know. maybe he travels by helicopter.

long story short, T made an appearance at almost 6pm, slightly apologetic, but that's about it. went on and on telling me about things inconsequential. now that i'm thinking about it, if his purpose was to diffuse or distract my anger, it sure as hell didn't work. i think i never met him thereafter, at least not alone anymore.

this is just one of the many stories i've had to wait for people. the ex-bf used to tell me how much he missed me but i always had to wait for him for at least an hour every date. and each time it makes me feel small and unimportant.

Time is making fools of us again. ~ J.K. Rowling

well, thank you. in a different context, i'm done being a fool. my time will only be for people who can respect it. (still learning to adopt Ms Leow's pov on this. but i'm a girl, i take things more seriouslyyy.)

on a somewhat related topic, i'm abruptly sharing this Backstreet Boys song because it was constantly playing in my head while typing this. =D

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