April 8, 2012

Wedding Bells

not my wedding bells, for sure. lol.

i attended 2 weddings so far, i think. wait, i had a lot more invitations but i only managed to attend 2. LOL like damn smart. no la i think it clashed with my work schedule or something. and i know something else happened so i ditched one of them but that's another story.

anyway. the first one i went to was at Fullerton Hotel (yes, i HAD to pick the expensive one lol) and it was my poly schoolmate's wedding. kinda weird turning up though, because although i knew the entire table of people, we were just not talking much. or rather I was not talking much. i haven't seen them in 10 years sheesh. i know they have been meeting up amongst themselves so it was really awkward for me. plus, i wasn't feeling comfortable blahblahblah. :/

so here's me with the bride, Jerine. thanks photographer, for the double chin. lol.

and the group photo at the end of the dinner. very stressful shot, because there were like a million and one people asking to take photos with the couple. but because our group very big, our skin combine together also very thick. LOL.

they have these little instant photo thingys at weddings these days. i really hated my hair that night so it was awkward + awkward = mega awkward. sigh.


the next wedding i felt better, even though i had a nagging feeling that i was gonna attend it alone with nobody else i know. lol.
i was happy enough to camwhore lol. :D and if you know me enough i'm really not the type to stand in front of the mirror and camwhore.
side note: the toilet at Four Seasons is FAWESOME.

i was camwhoring in the toilet also because i was waiting for Shufen to arrive, who apparently got lost somewhere in Forum i think. lol. and when she came and she stalked the candy area!

okay, i had a part in that too. and we were so amused that we had to take photos of our loot.

AND THEN! we got caught by the professional photographer! LMAO. i dunno that i was looking at his lens either!

one with the bride Chin Ser before dinner! :))
(sorry about the flash though. it was..pfft.)

Fen was horrible, she made me steal more candy! lol.

with Cheryl. LONG TIME NO SEE! this wedding dinner turned out better than expected. :))

those photo cards thingy again! so the more photos you take, the more cards you get to bring home. and it was almost instantaneous. here you get snapped, there you get your picture. :O efficient much!

here's to all the couples - to a blissful marriage! your life pretty much starts from there and may your love overcome all. :)

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