April 9, 2012

FullHouse Lifestyle Cafe Singapore!

i came across this deal from FullHouse Lifestyle Cafe last week and i thought, wow what is this a deal from Malaysia? but lo and behold, they opened one in Singapore! :D so i forwarded the deal to Susan and said we HAVE to go check it out. we missed the deal (because she FORGOT to reply -.-) but we checked it out anyway. i said it's for our 40th monthsary celebration lol.

she sent me this on twitter while i was battling at work and it really made my day when i finally took a breather to check my phone. :'D

so we made plans on a fine day, no less!
i had to take a photo of the sun because it was a gorgeous day! :)
even superman melted lol.

we headed to Rendezvous Hotel from City Hall and it is a short walk, really. plus the weather was a godsend. i had no idea which part of the hotel to go to, but Susan checked and said it's on the second floor. we were about to head in when i saw this around the corner:
*GASP* i recognise the car! FullHouse has this signature car of different colors at different outlets. if you click on the interactive website they have the photo collection of the various cars. okay sidetrack, this was the one at Sunway Paramid:

okay to be honest i'm a car noob but i recognise that they're all topless hahahaha.

these are photos of the lower level, at the entrance where it appears to look like a beautiful quaint yard. FullHouse has this homely ambience with different interior sections arranged with a Victorian flair! i've always thought that they based the concept on the Korean drama Full House with a tinge of their own version. AND i never knew this restaurant is from Malaysia! yay because i went to one of the outlets there already. :D

if you were to walk to Rendezvous Hotel from The Cathay, you will see this area just after you cross the road. kinda like a cosy corner if you will.

while we went crazy snapping photos of the area, TWO staff came to tell us that the bistro is upstairs. LOL. they were really nice and even offered to show us up! but i declined because Susan was on the phone tryna psycho her laogong to join us and i wanted to take more photossssss.

this greeted us when we went to the second floor! like wow the entire walkway leading to the restaurant itself. :O

we had a cosy little corner and the restaurant was practically empty at 5pm. lol. so we went around taking photos like it was our own house. haha!

so this was my view from the nice corner. FullHouse usually have a boutique area where they sell actual merchandise. it's like the "bedroom" part of the house!

then i tried out one of my phone apps for sport lol. my phone is very under-utilized please!

 the balcony! there are doves evvvvverywhere.

the front area of the second floor. such a dainty fountain and there were coins in there too. lol people find it hard to resist making wishes whenever possible. ;)


i LOVE this corner! imma copy this for my future home lol. *mentally file it away*

framed pictures on the wall, just like a real home! :)

okay now, THE FOOD. haha wait very long already right! imma present, the menu:

so ke ai~~ it's like a magazine and there is even a comics section at the end.
this was my order. it's called The Wrap from Rome, S$12.90. and i really expected a wrap, not a salad. lol. so anyway, it's like caesar salad with smoked salmon. :)

this was Susan's Pineapple Chicken Salad, S$8.90.

i got distracted by the cai because it looks like those cai people use to welcome the lion dance troupe lololol.

our drinks! mine was Iced Korean Jujube Tea (left) and hers was Honey Green Tea, S$3.90 and S$5.90 respectively.

the spoons are damn CUTE.
Susan ordered a Rosella Spaghetti, S$16.90. unique tomato sauce based!

Kenny ordered a Club Sandwich, S$13.90. it came with fries and the infamous lion dance cai. lololol.

also, this Calamari Ring and Onion Ring Combo to share, S$10.90. it came with wasabi mayo sauce!

i ordered a hi-tea set, which comprised of a pie/cake and coffee/tea/iced lemon tea for S$5.90. i got the apple pie and gave the iced tea to Kenny.
our 40th monthsary turned out to be..a Lady and the Tramp moment. LOL.

more photos of the other parts of the restaurant. apparently the other "rooms" are separated as VIP rooms, so there are minimum spendings if you wanna dine in any of them. just check them out, Susan went around taking photos but i couldn't because by the time i went snooping, the Vasantham Central crew were in there filming. T^T

i was really quite bummed that i didn't get to explore. oh well, next time!

so. my verdict: i'm super biased because i already LOVE the ambience of the place, having had the experience in KL before. i'm quite liking the one in Singapore because it's located in a less crowded area but by no way means unpopular. you can totally enjoy affordable and delicious food in a homely setting. and you don't have to do the dishes after. :P the staff seemed pretty new but they're friendly so i'm definitely going back again!

FullHouse is located at 9 Bras Basah Road #01-04 Rendezvous Gallery (Tel: 63366328). check out their facebook page too!

photo credits to deal.com.sg and Susan and yours truly. :)

relationship drama

i'm really not one of those people who blogs about their relationship issues or which girl is bitching about me etc. i mean, these things are good for a gossip session but i wouldn't be bothered to rant about it and waste cyberspace.

but now, RIGHT NOW, i am fuming mad and i just need an outlet. and i'm typing this on my trusty S2 because my (abused) laptop takes forever to start up and i just wanna rant while it's fresh.

WARNING: this entire post will be WORDY. any person(s) mentioned who sounds familiar is/are prolly someone you know through me.

so the cause of my bitching today is *drumroll* the ex-boyfriend. i am but majorly pissed off because i've had enough of his nonsense. let me begin with how it ended.

our relationship was a 2-year rollercoaster yadayada you know how it is. it went downhill when i eventually got really emotionally drained from having to make decisions in the relationship all the time. i mean for God's sake i'm a girlfriend not his frickin mother. i got sick of his constant  dependence on me, be it checking for information via a phone call, or speaking to the damn service staff in english, or writing a damn letter to ministry of manpower. so i made the final decision to cut ties as a couple. of course we all know it's almost impossible to remain as friends but we're humans right, we persist to be optimistically in denial.

initially it went well, what with him saying he understood and blahblahblah which of course he didn't. he texted me every other hour, everyday, as he always did, just omitting the terms of endearment. i naturally got annoyed and i can't really recall what happened but we got into an argument. thank God, because i sure as hell can't handle amicable stupidity.

so anyway. at one point of the argument, my dear thick-headed jerk of an ex made a comment about me, of course, but he made it in reference to bringing my family into the argument, which honestly in my opinion was absolutely unnecessary! i got more mad (because he picked my work day to come argue with me, no less) and ignored him from then.

guess what? after he jeered and sneered at me, he texted me THE NEXT DAY and said "hope we're still friends." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

anyway i've been ignoring him since, i think that was last september? on and off ever since that day i will think about what happened and there will always be a teeny part nagging at the back of my head that i'm a cruel cold-hearted bitch and i will prolly be single for the rest of my life and the life after. but i never regretted my ignoring him, even though he will text like every other day, things like "how are you, Cal?" and i'll always feel irritated and be tempted to reply "no i died like 16 times today thanks for asking" but i thought i'd not give him the satisfaction of getting a response from me.

so why this rant, you ask? why dedicate an ENTIRE post to a has-been? now that i'm thinking about it, he should be honored too, because he would be the first i'm bitching about on my personal blog.

now let me first list down what i'm pissed about. the few reasons why i'm refusing to forgive him as a person. first off, he offended me by bringing my family into our argument. unwritten rule: NEVER use the trust i give you as leverage to threaten me.

and then there was that mood swings he had. one day he would be all like "hi how are you" and another day he would be like "why you scared to talk to me". it's annoying, and it's childish.

next on the list. he grovelled. now you're gonna say imma mother bitch because he grovelled so why am i still annoyed. because he said how he's been drinking and smoking ever since we broke up and if only i would take him back because i'm "the only one who can stop me from smoking".

bitch please, don't hang your burdens on me. did i force that cigarette down your throat?? please. enough of the emotional blackmailing already.

but wait, there's more. when all of above didn't work, he said his "final words" and..get this, he deleted me off facebook and blocked me on twitter! *gasp* please la got so drama anot.

so tell me, with all of that happening, was i wrong to ignore him to move on with my own life? well it's been a good few months and i thought, okay this is nice, no more drama, he moved on, i might not need to go to hell for being the cruel cold-hearted bitch. you know what they say about good things don't last.

a couple of hours ago i received a facebook notification that he has sent me, naturally, a friend request. seriously now, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.

to be honest, i did make idle  thoughts about how long he's gonna take to come around and send that request but i didn't expect him to prove me right yet again.

so i am angry. i am very, very, very angry because this is like a game to him. what the fuck does he take me as, a fucking toy he can pick or dump at his whimp? well obviously he has not grasp the gravity of the situation. yes, i am very soft-hearted. but this, this i will make exception for.

well then, this is what i will tell you. this blog post is about you, but this is definitely NOT about me still pining for you. i've typed this entire chunk of words because i want to make it clear to you and also as a reminder to myself that i will continue to ignore you and why. it's time you realise that some words you say, you can never take back.

and this is to whoever reading this, if you're STILL reading, omg thank you for bearing with me! i think all the typing and thinking did me some therapeutic good.

goodnight and here's to better days. :)

April 8, 2012

Wedding Bells

not my wedding bells, for sure. lol.

i attended 2 weddings so far, i think. wait, i had a lot more invitations but i only managed to attend 2. LOL like damn smart. no la i think it clashed with my work schedule or something. and i know something else happened so i ditched one of them but that's another story.

anyway. the first one i went to was at Fullerton Hotel (yes, i HAD to pick the expensive one lol) and it was my poly schoolmate's wedding. kinda weird turning up though, because although i knew the entire table of people, we were just not talking much. or rather I was not talking much. i haven't seen them in 10 years sheesh. i know they have been meeting up amongst themselves so it was really awkward for me. plus, i wasn't feeling comfortable blahblahblah. :/

so here's me with the bride, Jerine. thanks photographer, for the double chin. lol.

and the group photo at the end of the dinner. very stressful shot, because there were like a million and one people asking to take photos with the couple. but because our group very big, our skin combine together also very thick. LOL.

they have these little instant photo thingys at weddings these days. i really hated my hair that night so it was awkward + awkward = mega awkward. sigh.


the next wedding i felt better, even though i had a nagging feeling that i was gonna attend it alone with nobody else i know. lol.
i was happy enough to camwhore lol. :D and if you know me enough i'm really not the type to stand in front of the mirror and camwhore.
side note: the toilet at Four Seasons is FAWESOME.

i was camwhoring in the toilet also because i was waiting for Shufen to arrive, who apparently got lost somewhere in Forum i think. lol. and when she came and she stalked the candy area!

okay, i had a part in that too. and we were so amused that we had to take photos of our loot.

AND THEN! we got caught by the professional photographer! LMAO. i dunno that i was looking at his lens either!

one with the bride Chin Ser before dinner! :))
(sorry about the flash though. it was..pfft.)

Fen was horrible, she made me steal more candy! lol.

with Cheryl. LONG TIME NO SEE! this wedding dinner turned out better than expected. :))

those photo cards thingy again! so the more photos you take, the more cards you get to bring home. and it was almost instantaneous. here you get snapped, there you get your picture. :O efficient much!

here's to all the couples - to a blissful marriage! your life pretty much starts from there and may your love overcome all. :)